Chapter 7 leaflet and mapview maps

This exercise will introduce construction of a Leaflet map using the leaflet package. Also simple interface uses the mapview::mapview() function, which automatically adds the OpenStreetMap background, uses pre-loaded colors, and with the legend = TRUE option also adds a map legend.

mapview(nhood_pov, zcol = "pct_pov", legend = TRUE)

We will now build up a map using leaflet() for a bit more control.

nhood_pov_4326 <- nhood_pov %>% st_transform(4326)

# make a label with the count of persons, persons below poverty, and % poverty
nhood_pov_4326$mylab <- sprintf(
    round(nhood_pov_4326$n_pov, 0),
    round(nhood_pov_4326$n, 0),
    paste("pov=", nhood_pov_4326$pct_pov, "%", sep = "")

l <- leaflet(data = nhood_pov_4326) %>%
    addPolygons(popup = ~mylab, weight = 2) %>%

Let’s change the labels to include neighborhood name and % poverty, add choropleth fill and a legend:

nhood_pov_4326 <- nhood_pov %>% st_transform(4326)

mypalette <- colorQuantile(palette = "viridis", domain = nhood_pov_4326$pct_pov, n = 4)

# make a label with the count of persons, persons below poverty, and % poverty
nhood_pov_4326$mylab <- sprintf(
    paste("pov=", nhood_pov_4326$pct_pov, "%", sep = "")

l <- leaflet(data = nhood_pov_4326) %>%
        popup = ~mylab,
        weight = 2,
        fillColor = ~ mypalette(pct_pov),
        opacity = 0.7
    ) %>%
    addTiles() %>%
    addLegend(pal = mypalette, values = ~pct_pov, opacity = 0.7, title = "% below poverty", position = "bottomleft")


Finally, add the hospitals with a label that will display when hovering over the point marker.

nhood_pov_4326 <- nhood_pov %>% st_transform(4326)

# hospitals
hospitals <- st_read(file.path(mydatadir, "medical_facilities", "medical_facilities.shp"), quiet = TRUE) %>% st_transform(4326)

mypalette <- colorQuantile(palette = "viridis", domain = nhood_pov_4326$pct_pov, n = 4)

# make a label with the count of persons, persons below poverty, and % poverty
nhood_pov_4326$mylab <- sprintf(
    paste("pov=", nhood_pov_4326$pct_pov, "%", sep = "")

l <- leaflet(data = nhood_pov_4326) %>%
        popup = ~mylab,
        weight = 2,
        fillColor = ~ mypalette(pct_pov),
        opacity = 0.7
    ) %>%
    addTiles() %>%
    addLegend(pal = mypalette, values = ~pct_pov, opacity = 0.7, title = "% below poverty", position = "bottomleft")

l <- addCircleMarkers(
    map = l,
    data = hospitals,
    radius = 5,
    weight = 1,
    opacity = 0.9,
    fillOpacity = 0.5,
    label = ~ABB_NAME


7.1 Conclusion

R makes it easy to create web-ready maps based on the leaflet and mapview packages. See the documentation and other tutorials for additional information.